End of December Finance Update

We would like to apologise for the delay on issuing the accounts for the period ending 31 December 2024.

We have been working on agreeing the accounting treatment of grants under FRS102.24 with the auditors. Now that this has been agreed we have been able to produce an opening Balance Sheet, which is required to publish an up-to-date Balance Sheet.

We shall send out a separate explanation regarding the treatment of the grants under FRS102.24.

Thanks to four matches in December and especially the tremendous support for the two matches over the Christmas period we have now moved into a profitable position.

Since our last report the new floodlights have been installed and these have made a big difference and not just on matchdays as we can now control the level of brightness. This has been important with the amount of use in connection with the renting out of the pitch at night. Despite the increased use there is very little difference in our energy costs and they should pay for themselves within the next 2 to 3 years.

As a club we will continue to look at ways not only to save money but also to reduce our carbon footprint.

We trust you will continue to support the team as we make our promotion push.

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