3G Pitch and Funding Vote Results
1023 ballots were submitted from 1758 issued. We have asked an independent third party to verify the results and will update you of any changes.
Do you agree with the proposal to install a 3G pitch?
Yes 923 (92%)
No 84 (8%)
Abstained 16
Do you agree with how we intend to fund it, and to allow the society to use its own surpluses to contribute to the funding of the project if required?
Yes 885 (90%)
No 101 (10%)
Abstained 37
Do you agree to allow the society and/or it's subsidiaries' officers to negotiate and execute the key legal agreements required to fund and install the pitch (lease, supplier contract, funding terms etc)?
Yes 853 (87%)
No 122 (13%)
Abstained 48